The Nitrogen Cycle breaks down bacteria and fish waste into non-harmful substances. This is essential for the life of the fish in your aquarium.
When fish eat they excrete ammonia into the water. Ammonia is poisonous to fish. In a tank that is cycling beneficial bacteria (nitrifying bacteria) consume the ammonia and convert it to Nitrite.
Ammonia is produced in aquariums when fish waste and decaying foods breakdown. Ammonia can be toxic to fish, and it could even cause gill burns. Therefore, it needs to be converted by bacteria to produce something that is less harmful. This process is known as the nitrogen cycle. The process usually occurs organically in nature as fish and other organisms create their own waste, but since an aquarium locks the water inside, the nitrogen cycle must be artificially created.
The first step of the process is adding ammonia sources to the tank. The ammonia is broken down through a chemical reaction with bacteria known as Nitrosomonas, which releases Nitrites. Another type of bacterium, known as Nitrifying Bacteria, then converts the nitrites into Nitrates. Finally, algae or underwater plant life consumes the nitrates, and creates oxygen.
Prior to adding fish, it is crucial to “cycle” the aquarium. If the aquarium is not cycled, ammonia and nitrite levels can rise to dangerously high levels that can poison or kill the fish. The best method of cycling an aquarium that is new is by using the method of introducing it slowly over time with smaller fish and adding a bacterial starter like Fritz Zyme or Stability.
Do not wash your filter media with tap water because chlorine may kill beneficial bacteria needed to complete the nitrogen cycle. It is also suggested that you do not tamper with the pH of your aquarium until the Nitrogen Cycle is complete.
Beneficial Bacteria
An aquarium that is healthy depends on beneficial bacteria to reduce the amount of fish waste, dead plant material, and other organic debris. These bacteria transform toxic ammonia as well as nitrite and other organic matter into non-toxic nitrogen. These bacteria also decrease phosphate levels and also eliminate organic load. They are obligately aerobic heterotrophic bacteria (that means that they have to consume other things) live within the filter media, as well as on the solid surfaces of the tank such as stones, gravel, decorations and even plants. However, it requires a lot of water flow through these areas and a bit of time to become established.
In the natural world the nitrogen cycle takes place naturally as animals create waste and then nature cleans it. But, aquariums needs a different process to ensure that the water is safe. When fish waste is produced, the waste is contaminated with bacteria that could harm them if they are exposed to it. The nitrogen cycle can break these harmful bacteria down and makes the water suitable for swimming.
There are numerous products on the market that claim to “seed” an aquarium with these nitrifying microorganisms, but the best way to start the Nitrogen Cycle is by doing regular water changes, and using a high-quality filter that can take on the load. Nitrifying bacteria can be found everywhere around us and even within the air. It takes time to allow them to develop enough to allow nitrogen cycle going.
Ammonia Control
The levels of ammonia in a fish tank can be controlled making periodic water changes. Utilize a small bucket or scoop to add water when performing these water changes instead of emptying the entire tank. This can minimize disturbance on the substrate. The water changes might need to be done more frequently in accordance with the ammonia levels.
Another option to limit ammonia levels is to reduce fish feeding. Ammonia is produced when the protein in the fish food is broken down by the digestive system. The ammonia then gets excreted in the urine, and also breaks into Nitrites. Nitrites are then converted to nitrates by a different set of bacteria. This is a part of the aquarium’s nitrogen cycle.
Both groups of nitrifying bacteria require oxygen for their function and grow. These bacteria will cease function or cease to exist if the oxygen levels in your aquarium decreases. The bacteria also require alkalinity for their perform their functions. If the alkalinity of the water decreases then nitrifying bacteria stop functioning and ammonia will increase.
In the case of a new aquarium being cycled, the ammonia level should be kept low through regular water changes. Ammonia levels can be reduced by the addition of live aquatic plants as well as liquid starter solutions. These products will introduce beneficial bacteria to the substratum and filter medium that will enable them to breakdown ammonia.
Aquarium Water Quality Maintenance
To maintain healthy water in your aquarium, you must monitor the pH, Ammonia and Nitrite. These are substances that naturally occur from the waste of fish, food and decomposing organic matter however, when they reach high levels, they could kill the fish as well as other animals. These spikes can be detected quicker by conducting regular tests.
In all aquariums new to the market, a process is followed to build beneficial colonies of bacteria and bring the filtration system to speed. It can take some time to get the new tanks operating. The process is referred to as “cycling” or “nitrogen cycles”. Even older aquariums may have periodic cycles.
Nitrification happens in the colony of bacteria that transforms ammonia into nitrite via natural respiration. Nitrite is transformed into nitrate by the aquarium’s filtration system by bacteria. Because it hinders oxygen exchange, nitrate can be toxic to fish. It causes the fish to become suffocated. In freshwater, nitrate levels must not exceed 5 ppm. For marine and reef systems, the concentration of nitrate should be maintained at 0.01 per milliliter.
A test kit is the most effective method of determining the kind of maintenance required for the water in your bo be ca rong dai dep aquarium. Select the right kit for the type of water you have in your aquarium (Freshwater, Saltwater or Reef) and follow the instructions. Based on the method you choose for your tank’s cycle you’ll have to keep an eye on ammonia levels and nitrite levels daily and perform a water change whenever readings are above zero.